The Party of the Dead

This is the road to eternity
This is the road to holiness
This is the road to youthfulness
This is the road to joyfulness
Join the party of the dead,
Join the party of the dead,
Join the party of the dead,
Join the party of the dead —
It is the path,
The shortest path,
The shortest path,
The shortest path!

Russia will have greatness,
Russia will have beauty,
Russia will be wealthy,
Russia will be happy
Only in the context of outer space
Only in the context of eternity
Only in the context of the nation
Only in the context of memory —
It is the path,
The shortest path,
The shortest path,
The shortest path!

Red enthusiasts,
Pilots and astronauts
Foreign Intelligence Service,
Civil servants and children,
Join the party of the dead,
Join the party of the dead,
Join the party of the dead,
Join the party of the dead —
It is the path,
The shortest path,
The shortest path,
The shortest path!

Born in Moscow in 1978. Studied first as a historian, then as a psychologist. Works in the field of website development and support. Guitarist, mandolin player, vocalist, songwriter - mainly on historical and geographical topics. Leader of the rock band "Proishestvie". Songs are recorded in Russian, English, Polish and German; some lyrics have also been translated into French, Spanish, Kazakh and Hebrew. Creator, and in 2000-2005 - editor-in-chief of "Tochka Zreniia". Author of a dozen books. Publications in literary magazines and art samizdat. Member of the Union of Writers of Moscow (since 2007), Moscow Union of Writers (since 2019).


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Artwork: Felix Lembersky (1913-1970)