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Born in Russia, lived in Baku, moved to Israel in 1990. Author of two poetry collections in Russian, one in Hebrew and a book of translations from Hebrew into Russian of the Israeli poet Yona Volakh. Member of the Writers' Union of Israel. Published in many periodicals, print and online. Lives in Haifa. Psychotherapist.
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Bakh Akhmedov (b. 1967) is an Uzbeki poet, writer, and translator who lives in Tashkent and writes in Russian. Bakh is the winner of the 2007 Pushkin in Britain International Poetry Contest and author of a two-volume poetry collection. His poems and translations into Russian have been published in several international literary journals.
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Olga Anikina (b. 1976) is a widely published poet, essayist, fiction writer and translator born in Novosibirsk. She studied at the Novosibirsk State Medical University, earning a degree in medical sciences, and then at the Gorky Literary Institute. Olga is an author of five books of poetry and three books of prose, and winner of several international poetry contests, including Pushkin in Britain and The Lost Tram (Zabludivshiisya Tramvai). Currently, Olga lives in Saint Petersburg.
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Assia Anistratenko (b. 1975) is an Irkutsk-born poet, editor, and singer-songwriter. She is the author of three books and multiple journal publications. Assia has received many awards for her songs and poetry. After the invasion of Ukraine, she left Moscow and is now living in Israel.
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Mikhail Aizenberg (b. 1948) is one of the best-known and most influential living Russian poets, recipient of the 2003 Andrei Bely Prize and other literary awards. His writings were never published during the Soviet period. In post-Soviet Russia, Mikhail published five books of poetry and two books of essays on contemporary Russian poetry.
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Diana Balyko (b. 1979) is a poet, playwright, and political activist from Belarus. She published five poetry collections, and her plays were staged worldwide. In 2021, Diana’s family fled from their Minsk home to Kyiv to escape political persecution; the year after, war forced them to leave Kyiv. In 2022, Diana was an Artist at Risk resident in Prague.
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Sveta Ben´ (a.k.a Ben´ka, b. 1975) is a Vitebsk-born Belarusian poet, singer, stage director and political activist. Since 2005, she has been performing as the frontwoman of the freak-cabaret band Serebryanaya Svad´ba. Sveta is an author of several volumes of poetry.
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8 poems
Born in Moscow in 1978. Studied first as a historian, then as a psychologist. Works in the field of website development and support.
Guitarist, mandolin player, vocalist, songwriter - mainly on historical and geographical topics. Leader of the rock band "Proishestvie". Songs are recorded in Russian, English, Polish and German; some lyrics have also been translated into French, Spanish, Kazakh and Hebrew.
Creator, and in 2000-2005 - editor-in-chief of "Tochka Zreniia". Author of a dozen books. Publications in literary magazines and art samizdat. Member of the Union of Writers of Moscow (since 2007), Moscow Union of Writers (since 2019).
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2 poems
Born in 1989 in Shakhty (Rostov region). Teacher and translator. Until 2012, she participated in the literary life of her native city, then moved to the city of Mytishchi near Moscow. She published two books of poems - "Non-Reflection" (Rostov-on-Don, 2011) and "The Forest From Which Matches Are Made" (Moscow, 2015). Since 2021 - a member of the Moscow Union of Writers (RSPL). Songwriter and vocalist in the group "Sanka and Chertiki", performing psychedelic folk rock. Vocalist and author of some songs in the punk band "False Testimony" and the ensemble "Mandelstam's Garden".
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