Alexey Karakovski
Born in Moscow in 1978. Studied first as a historian, then as a psychologist. Works in the field of website development and support. Guitarist, mandolin player, vocalist, songwriter - mainly on historical and geographical topics. Leader of the rock band "Proishestvie". Songs are recorded in Russian, English, Polish and German; some lyrics have also been translated into French, Spanish, Kazakh and Hebrew. Creator, and in 2000-2005 - editor-in-chief of "Tochka Zreniia". Author of a dozen books. Publications in literary magazines and art samizdat. Member of the Union of Writers of Moscow (since 2007), Moscow Union of Writers (since 2019).
Category:Poems: english
Category:Poems: russian
Category:Poems: russian
Category:Poems: russian
Category:Poems: russian
Category:Poems: english
Category:Poems: english
Category:Poems: english