Two met

two met
in an empty store

her eyes
brimmed with despair
his eyes
with endless fatigue

she touched his stubble
with her palm
as if she were blind

he made some sign with his hand
as if he were mute

a car drove by
with a broken windshield

you see he said
life goes on
with or without
our marathons
and sprints
it all ends the same

he invited her to the past
for a cup of imaginary coffee

for a long silence
in gathering darkness
but she said
remind me what’s my name
and wiped the dust off
an empty shelf

Bakh Akhmedov (b. 1967) is an Uzbeki poet, writer, and translator who lives in Tashkent and writes in Russian. Bakh is the winner of the 2007 Pushkin in Britain International Poetry Contest and author of a two-volume poetry collection. His poems and translations into Russian have been published in several international literary journals.


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Artwork: Felix Lembersky (1913-1970)